Sunday, 11 October 2015

My bad luck with cars continues...

You just can't win in this life can you. Well I mean, you can...but then something always comes along and screws it up. It's why I'm such an anxious person. Whenever something good ever happens I'm always thinking 'come on then bad, I know you're on your way, let's just get it over with'. I know it's not the best way to be. We should embrace the good without thinking of the bad.

This week my limits were tested. I received a message from the mechanic to say my little car, Reginald, is dead and unless if I pay more than the car is worth, it cannot be repaired. So that's that. It's not ideal. I paid an arm and a leg for the car when I first bought it and it has been my pride and joy. My little run-around. We've been here there and everywhere together. I've laughed in it, I've cried in it, I've been to festivals in it, it's become a friend, like it is an actual person. Reginald was my only asset. The only thing in the world that I owned which had any real monetary value and now it's gone. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't devastated.

I've never really had much luck with cars. The first car I bought was Max the Sax-o. I paid £800 for him and guess what? The engine blew up shortly after I signed the 'sold as seen' papers. Literally on the way home. We argued it but the 'Del Boy' Salesman would never have budged. So I wasn't off to a good start.

The 2nd car, Leo the Clio, lasted a week. I drove him to London to see my friend Millie. At first the key snapped in the lock so I had to pay a Locksmith 90 pound on a Sunday to come out in South East London and pick my lock for me. Then the only way I could get in the car (until I could get it fixed) was by climbing in through the boot. I'm not even kidding. Everyone found it hilarious but this story just sums up my life.

If this wasn't enough, when I eventually drove home from London that same Sunday, late in the evening, I got to a Service Station and then I just saw a massive gust of black smoke. I jumped out of the car - forgetting to put the handbrake on - so the car started rolling down the hill. A good Samaritan pulled over and jumped in the car for me. He helped me put it to the side of the road and I had to call my dad (who was out of the country at the time) who sent his mate down to help get me home.

The third car was Peggy the Pug. I loved her. Another cheap little runner but we shared some great times. Her fuel gage didn't work so I never knew how much fuel was in her and that could get problematic at times but other than that she was adorable. She blew up on me too though. I was driving to work and got 3/4 the way there, on the same day as my early morning first aid exam. She conked out and the AA had to tow her home for me. That was the end of her. Still ace'd the exam though... go me.

Then along came Reginald. The best and most loyal car I've had yet. Due to so much mileage I've had some problems and due to being so klutzy I've had the occasional collision with the odd curb, wall, car and even a bus, but other than that we have spent a great two years together.

I've been pretty miserable because of Reg dying. You can always rely on Public Transport to help you out though right? WRONG. On the same day that I found out that Reg was unrepairable, of all days, there were a ton of train cancellations and as a result I didn't get home until 9.30pm. After watching an episode of iZombie (really good btw.... get watching) I went straight to bed. Rubbish evening.

I know cars can be replaced but I will definitely miss my little Reginald. May he rest in peace.

Thank you for reading.

Mel x