Friday, 14 April 2017

Stop wasting time and energy

I saw something the other day which made me think and so I thought I would write a blog post about it. It was a picture on the internet which said something along the lines of:

'If you are upset, say what's bothered you.
If you want to go out with someone, ask them.'
Etc etc etc

Too many people don't speak their minds and it's just wasting everyone's time. Time is too precious to be wasted on wondering something. If you ask someone and you don't get an answer. Such as 'is something wrong?' if someone is being a bit off with you, then you get a response of 'nothing'. Move along. There is no point wasting your time wondering what their problem is because at the end of the day... It's their problem, not yours.

You don't NEED anyone. I have, like anyone, had friends in the past who I thought I'd be friends with forever. Then we go our separate ways and guess what? You make new friends. There is a reason certain people walk out of your life. If you needed them there, they would stick around.

Same goes for if you like somebody, don't waste time wondering if they like you back. That is time which you could be spending getting to know somebody else. Ask them out. If they aren't interested, it wasn't meant to be and move on.

Looking back on my life I have absolutely no regrets, except for the things I didn't do that I wish I'd done. The amount of times I was annoyed about something and I didn't say. This is something I am now avoiding. Sure, it might be awkward at the time, but people will respect you more if you're honest. Say what you are thinking. Say what you want because you're only wasting your own time of you don't do it.

Thanks for reading!

Mel x

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