We all ask ourselves this, don't we? Like what you would do if you won the lottery, or what would happen if someone gave you a million pounds? Here is what I would do...
1. Invest in properties
I'd love to buy a cheap block of offices and turn them into pretty apartments. It would be so much fun designing them and working on the interior fixtures!
2. Travel the world
This one kind of goes without saying really. There are so many places that need ticking off my 'to visit' list. I’ll be updating a blog in the near future of my top ten places I want to go to (watch this space!)
3. Charity fundraisers
Every fortunate person should really do their bit for charity. I would subscribe to various different charities where I can donate on a monthly basis, but I'd also use some of my affluence to organise charity fundraising events. This would encourage the community to donate to a good cause and bring people together at the same time - aww.
4. Invest in my own business.
I've heard so many stories of people who have won the lottery and then just squandered it in a few years. I'd probably go out of my mind with boredom if I were to become rich and not have to work. After several holidays and expensive shopping sprees, surely it just all becomes the same?
Plus I have too many cool ideas to not invest in them... just saying.
5. Participate in extreme activities
Everything I've ever wanted to do; skydiving, swimming with dolphins, learning to surf or to ski, bungee jumping, etc etc etc...
6. Family
Mum would be granted her dream house, Dad would have the funds to start his own business, my brother would get his allowance to likely spend on more 18-30s clubbing holidays and my grandparents would get more trips to Vegas (they're both 80 and they love Vegas!) I'd make sure they were all alright.
Mum would be granted her dream house, Dad would have the funds to start his own business, my brother would get his allowance to likely spend on more 18-30s clubbing holidays and my grandparents would get more trips to Vegas (they're both 80 and they love Vegas!) I'd make sure they were all alright.
7. Appearance
Of course with all that money I'd have to make sure I was looking mighty fine! I’d have a personal trainer, shiny white teeth, a great tan, perfect manicure, the best wardrobe, a sexy hairstyle, oh and (don’t judge me) I would totally get botex on my forehead because it’s annoyingly creased.
8. New wheels
I can't say I'd splash out on anything too swanky but I would devote some of my fortune towards a sumptuous BMW Mini Cooper because I’ve wanted one for zonks! This is what I’m after…
I can't say I'd splash out on anything too swanky but I would devote some of my fortune towards a sumptuous BMW Mini Cooper because I’ve wanted one for zonks! This is what I’m after…
Annnnnnnnd (call me cliché) but I’ve always wanted a VW Campervan which I can pimp out and then my friends and I can go on road trips. Like this one...
9. Humble abode
I’d probably have more than one home - one in Kent and an apartment in London. Each would be kitted out with really awesome furniture like a rubix cube themed coffee table and a Smeg fridge.
I will be writing a blog about my dream house (again, watch this space! Also follow my board on Pinterest).
I’d probably have more than one home - one in Kent and an apartment in London. Each would be kitted out with really awesome furniture like a rubix cube themed coffee table and a Smeg fridge.
I will be writing a blog about my dream house (again, watch this space! Also follow my board on Pinterest).
10. Music
My music collection would become even more spectacular. I'd be able to pursue my dream of having my own home music library with so many vinyls, CDs and music memorabilia.
I feel like there is a ton of stuff I would do that isn't on this list but this is generally how I envisage my outgoings in a fantasy world. One can dream!
Thank you for reading!
Mel x
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