There are a lot of things I wish to buy before the year is up. I doubt I'm even going to manage a third of them and even then I will have to sell a ton of stuff on Ebay and starve myself to be able to manage it, But hey ho, a girl can dream.
1. A folding bike.
Okay, so.... this is more of a practical luxury. I get the train to St Pancras every morning and then walk to work in Islington which is a 35 minute walk. I'm absolutely dreading the Winter so I want to get me one of these babies. A folding bike?! What a genius idea. Plus I think this one is absolutely adorable.
2. A Bobbin Cycle Helmet
I need to invest in number one before I get one of these, otherwise that would be utterly pointless, but how cool is this? I know I will probably look ridiculous but I don't care because I know I will feel majestic whilst I'm wearing it. I don't think I've ever wanted anything more, ever!!
3. A Mac Book
Ahhhh! Isn't it just dreamy? I've wanted one of these for the past 6 or 7 years and every time a laptop dies I set out to buy one, look at the price tag and instead go with the more rational option, a Windows laptop *sigh*.
I've had my laptop now since 2011 and it takes about 35 minutes to boot up due to all my design work and music stored on it. So it's about time I got myself a new one. The reality of the situation is that I will be lucky to get myself a Windows laptop at the moment, so an Apple Mac is definitely still out of the question. But nevertheless, it's on the list.
4. Sin by MAC
This is the most realistic item on the list. I never used to spend money on expensive make-up, I would always settle for a Rimmel lipstick or No7 foundation, but I have to say it is definitely worth spending a few extra bob if you're after something which will give you longer-lasting wear.
I bought my first MAC lipstick (colour = Rebel) last month and I wear it all day, every day. I've probably not got much wear left in it so I've decided to increase my inventory and get this little beauty.
5. R&B by Lush Cosmetics
So my friend Bex is a bad influence when it comes to beauty products. There I was, all happy using my Tresemme products and along she comes and shows me all this great stuff I can't afford. I hate her for it tbh. Anywho, I picked up a sample of R&B last time I was in Lush and I have to say, my hair is so soft. It smells tremendous too, which is always a plus. I'll be buying a pot after pay day and you should too.
6. Cherry Red Doc Martens
I've had my eyes on these sexy things a while now. I wanted to get myself a pair for Download but instead I spent all of my money on alcohol (irresponsible, as ever). I think it would be nice to get a new pair of Docs for the Winter months though. So yeah, moving on...
7. Denim Corset Skater Dress
I've been on the hunt for a dress like this for a while. Every time I stumble across one it's either too short in length or not enough room for my melons. I'm determined to find one before the year is up as it's just too cute for me to go without.8. Ukulele for Dummies
My boyfriend bought me a ukulele for Christmas, as I've wanted one for ages. I've been so busy, I've just not got round to teaching myself how to play it. I've decided I want to at least know chord from chord before the end of the year, so I'm going to invest in this. If I ace it, I'll upload a video or two for you all to see.
To be continued...
Mel x
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