Friday, 1 January 2016

2015: A Wrap-Up

Happy New Year Guys!

I know, I know... my blog posts have been a bit slack. The second half of 2015 was so busy. I seemed to barely find time to watch a bit of TV, let alone write a blog post.

As I mentioned in a previous update, I started doing a bit of freelance work and it all just sort of kicked off. I had some sort of project, be it a logo or website, to work on every single evening of the week. I love designing, it's my hobby. So to be paid to do it is such a great thing. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't making enough money to afford the monthly food shopping, let alone warrant leaving my career, but the odd bit of extra pocket money here and there was such a treat from just doing something I really enjoy.

I thought I'd wrap up on 2015 by listing some of the things I've learned and how I plan to take those lessons and make sure 2016 is an even better year. So here goes...

1. I can't do everything

I have always been such a 'yes person'. If ever my friends organise something, I'm always the first to accept the invite. This tends to get a lot harder when you're such a busy person. Last year I agreed to so many things in advance that I'd then get to said event and would have something on literally every evening that week. This made it really hard to have a good time because I was so exhausted from such a busy week I just wanted to go home, jump into my onesie, light my Yankee Candles and binge-watch Luther. 

Lesson for 2016: Don't cram up too much into a short period of time.

2. I'm too much of a pessimist

This is probably the main thing I realised I need to change about myself. I really am such a negative person. Not towards other people, but towards myself. Whenever anything is going well I instantly think 'uh oh' and look for the flaws or question what is going to go wrong.

Lesson for 2016: Enjoy the good, I can't change the future.

3. I don't actually enjoy junk food.

I love burgers, Häagen-Dazs salted caramel ice-cream, Krispy Kreme doughnuts and cheesy chips. I love the taste of them and the motion of eating those things. But... immediately after I always feel awful, guilt-ridden and fat.

Lesson for 2016: I will continue to eat those things but moderately. They will be a treat rather than a regular occurence. 

4. Waking up early is stress-prevention.

I went through a horrid stage before Christmas of just not wanting to get out of bed. I would lay in past all my alarms and then have a mad panic 20 minutes before I need to leave for work. It was just unnecessary stress. On the week just before Christmas I started waking up an hour before I needed to leave the house and I realised that actually, I felt more awake, refreshed and ready to start the day.

Lesson for 2016: Wake up as soon as the alarm goes off.

5. Responsibility with money is far more rewarding than retail therapy.

I feel like such a bore, but recently I paid off a massive chunk of my credit card and cleared my entire overdraft. The feeling of paying off that money and starting up a savings plan was so satisfying that it made me realise that being irresponsible with my money, although I may enjoy a cheeky Starbucks in the morning, just makes me stressed.

Lesson for 2016: Save money, clear the credit card and the occasional treat will feel more rewarding.

Thank you for reading and I wish you all a happy and properous new year!

Mel x

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